Aimy H1 Heading

Aimy H1 Heading allows you to easily repair any missing H1 headings of your Joomla! website. If it cannot find any H1 on a page it picks the first H2 and turns it into an H1 and therefore improves your SEO.

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Furthermore the plugin includes a blacklist that allows you to control in which contexts the content should not be repaired.


  • If you are not sure which context a page has, let the plugin show it to you. That makes managing the blacklist much more easy.
  • If you have more than one H1 heading on a page, it warns you by writing the headings in huge red letters.
  • automatic updates on new releases

Download Joomla!-Plugin


  •  Default configuration options
  •  Context in the Joomla! front end


User Manual


Supported Joomla! Versions

Aimy H1 Heading supports Joomla!...

  • 3.9 and up,
  • 4.0 and up,
  • 5.0 and up.


The installation of the extension follows the common Joomla! procedures.

In case you are not familiar with these procedures, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the extension's ZIP archive
  2. Log into your Joomla! backend as "Super User"
  3. From the menu, choose "Extensions" → "Manage" → "Install"
  4. Click on the "Or browse for file" button and select the ZIP archive

The extension's archive will be uploaded and installed afterwards.

For further information, please have a look at the Joomla! documentation "Installing an Extension".

NOTE: All plugins are disabled by Joomla! when installed for the first time. To enable Aimy H1 Heading, proceed and configure the plugin.


After a fresh installation, click on the "Configure plugin now" button on the installation report page.

At any time, you can configure the Aimy H1 plugin using Joomla!'s Plugin Manager by choosing "Extensions" → "Plugin Manager" from the menu. Locate the plugin and click on its name in the "Plugin Name" column of the plugin listing.

Enabling the Plugin

In order to use the plugin's functionality, you have to enable it first.

To do so, change the plugin's status from "Disabled" to "Enabled" and apply your changes by clicking on either the "Save" or "Save & Close" button in the toolbar.

The default configuration of Aimy H1 Heading will take care of upgrading the first H2 heading to an H1 one automatically for common Joomla! components that require this fix.

Plugin Options

Aimy H1 Heading's functionality can be suited to your needs using the following configuration options:

H1 Heading Plugin Configuration
Show context

This option helps you to find the contexts you might need in the exclude patterns.

If enabled, a box is displayed on each page in the frontend of your website that shows the name of its context.

Please remember to disable this option when you have finished the configuration.

H1 Heading Plugin Configuration
Exclude these contexts

With exclude patterns you can define, on which pages Aimy H1 Heading should not change the heading to H1.

The contexts are given as a list with one context per line.

NOTE: A context consists of the internal component and view name, that generate the page's output, separated by a full-stop, i.e. com_content.category.

NOTE: You can use wildcards like com_contact.*.

Check the number of H1 headings

If enabled, the number of H1 headings present in the current component output is checked in the frontend. If there is more than a single H1 heading, any of these will be visually highlighted.

Please remember to disable this option when you have finished testing.

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